Director of Golf

Kenny Knox

Kenny Knox HeadshotWe are thrilled to welcome back three-time PGA Tour winner Kenny Knox as our Golf Director this summer. 

Kenny’s journey in professional golf is marked by remarkable accomplishments. With a career that took off in the 1980s, Kenny Knox quickly made his mark by winning three PGA Tour events. His first victory came at the 1986 Honda Classic, where he showcased his exceptional skills and determination. This victory was not only a testament to his talent but also set the stage for future successes. He went on to win the 1987 Hardee's Golf Classic and the 1990 Buick Southern Open, further cementing his reputation as a formidable competitor on the tour.

One of Kenny's most notable contributions to the game is his expertise in putting. He holds the PGA Tour record for the fewest putts in a three-round tournament, a testament to his precision and technique on the greens. This remarkable achievement highlights Kenny's meticulous approach to the game and his mastery of one of its most challenging aspects.

Teaching the Next Generation of Professional Golfers
Beyond his professional successes, Kenny Knox is deeply passionate about teaching and sharing his love for golf with the next generation. His approach to instruction is rooted in a belief that mastering the fundamentals forms the foundation of a successful golfer.  

What sets Kenny apart from other instructors is his tremendous experience working with all levels of golfers and his unique ability to connect with the kids that he coaches.  Kenny's teaching philosophy emphasizes not just technical skill but also the mental aspects of the game, fostering resilience, focus, and strategic thinking among his students.  Kenny Knox builds confidence in young golfers in a way that is simply unmatched in the golfing world.

At the New England Golf and Tennis Camp, Kenny aims to inspire young athletes by sharing his experiences, lessons learned throughout his career, and his infectious enthusiasm for golf. His approachable demeanor and deep knowledge of the game make him an ideal mentor for campers, whether they're picking up a golf club for the first time or looking to elevate their game to the next level.

College Scholarships  
For those with aspirations of earning a college golf scholarship, Kenny is well known and respected among college coaches and knows exactly how to prepare for NCAA collegiate golf.  Future college golfers and their families have the unique experience of using his expertise to help guide them through the college search.

35 Golf Academy Drive
Belgrade, Maine, 04917


135 Maine Street #292
Brunswick, Maine 04011